Real Texas Freedom

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Letter to Joe Chernoy- Smokefree Leader

Your leadership in the anti-smoking movement is part of the ignorant, uneducated, junk science, power grabbing, culture destroying, mindset manipulating, economic illiterate, propaganda lying force that is destroying America. It's time for you fools to get your thinking straight.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Texas 2006 Elections

With the invasion of illegal aliens, creepy Califorians, anti-smokers, religious fanatics, anti-drinkers, electronic age investers, professional mindset manipulators, predjudicial educators, economic hit men and jail building law and order social destructionists, Texas, the friendly state, has turned primative.

Texans have come to hate each other, as well as hating anyone outside the state who disagrees with them.

In times like these, I like to remember when my son, now close to 40, was 3 years old. My mother told him to brush his teeth while he was getting ready for Sunday School. Later, she checked his tooth brush and told him God didn't like little fibbers. With toothpaste foam dripping out of his mouth, my son replied, "Well, God made little fibbers."